Cheap coin counting technology is expensive


Have you ever heard the saying ’cheap is expensive’? It’s a valuable reminder that opting for cheaper solutions often leads to higher costs over time. Both for your business, for your customer and for the environment. Solutions that tends to break down faster, require more repairs – if even possible, and need to be replaced more frequently, ultimately negating any initial savings.

CTcoin technology offers smart design, high quality and superior user interface, durability and reliability. Investing in CTcoin technology means fewer headaches and long-term savings, proving that quality truly pays off.


CTcoinTechnology LOW PRICEAlternatives
Coin counting technology
Well tested and approved materials
European quality
Minimal down time and MTBF
99,7% deliveries on time
Easy to repair
Spareparts available from day-to-day
FOC technical training
FOC extensive support
Superior interface and features
Low lifetime cost
Supports Circular Economy
+30 years of experience

Thank you for choosing CTcoin technology in your calculation.

Yours sincerely,
Søren Krog
Managing Director and Partner




The world’s first digital bulk coin sensor. Faster than ever. Easier than ever. More accurate and reliable than ever – 99.98% or better coin counting accuracy!


CTcoin technology is approved by the Deutsche Bundesbank and is in line with §36 BBKKG and in compliance with EU regulations no. 1338/2001 of 28 june 2001 article 6.


CTcoin technology has been approved by the Directorate General for Economic and Financial Affairs (DG ECFIN) and is in line with EU Regulation No. 1210/2010 of 15 December, 2010.


CTcoin machines are developed and manufactured in Denmark using top quality components, material and skilled competent labour.

Circular Economy